"I have found a very nurturing and joyful community at the Carmelite Centre with lots of opportunities for inquiry and growth."
Clare McArdleCarmelite Conversations: Saint John the poet and lover of nature with Patricia Greene
This session will look at the journey of John of the Cross that led him to the Carmelites where he would be an inspiring light in the darkness for all who journeyed in the spiritual pursuit of the Beloved. The main focus will on his love for the beauty of nature from...
Eco Spirituality Reading Circle – Inspiring and Challenging
For the small group of people who have gathered six times this year, the text we have been reading has been quite inspiring and challenging. It is Rooted and Rising: Voices of Courage in a Time of Climate Crisis by Leah D Schade and Margaret Bullitt-Jonas, editors,...
Carmelite Conversations: Sharing the experience of the International Congress for Carmelite Laity in Rome
In September 2024 almost 200 Carmelites gathered for a week in Sassone, Rome. The theme of the International Congress for Carmelite Laity was: "Lay Carmelites: Called to Set the World on Fire." In this month's Carmelite Conversation some of the Australians who...
Carmelite Conversations: Saint Titus Brandsma – Mystery of God’s Nearness with Daryl Moresco OCarm
Saint Titus Brandsma has a profound message for us today on encountering the “mystery of God’s nearness”. From his life as a young Carmelite friar to his martyrdom in Dachau, we can learn how living fully in the present moment, mindful that we are always in God’s holy...
Carmelite Conversations: Melanesian Indigenous Spirituality with Paul Sireh OCarm
Paul writes: “In this conversation I will share with you and introduce who we are as Melanesians and our spirituality, distinct from Polynesians and Micronesians. I will look mainly at the Melanesian spiritual experience in Papua New Guinea where I come from. The core...
Practicing Presence, Centering Prayer Meditation, September 2024
Our theme for this month comes from Henri Nouwen’s book, Following Jesus, in particular - Practicing Presence. Henri tells us: * Prayer is entering into the presence of God here and now. Prayer is the way in which we become present to the moment and listen to God who...
The Psalms, Centering Prayer Meditation August 2024
Our theme for August’s reflection looks at the messages the Psalms have for us. We’ll acknowledge that we are known by God, in Psalm 139, protected by him when we call his name, Psalm 116, and strengthened, Psalm 16. * Psm 139. You have searched me Lord, and...
Carmelite Conversation – Discernment on the Carmelite Way with Matthew Tonini OCarm
In August, Matthew Tonini OCarm, addressed the topic of Discernment on the Carmelite Way. The final admonition of the Carmelite Rule might be translated: “use discernment, however, the guide of the virtues.” The writer of the Rule, Albert of Jerusalem, recognises that...
Lectio Divina: an inspiring way to start the day
I was given the link for the daily Carmelite Lectio Divina by a friend four years ago and have made it a daily habit to use it. I was delighted when I discovered the weekly Friday Lectio on Zoom, led so wonderfully by Irene and Damien. Since then I have put the...
Carmelite Conversation: Saint Thérèse of Lisieux : Radiant Light for Theology with Dr Michelle Jones
At the July Carmelite Conversation, Dr Michelle Jones explored the spirituality of St Thérèse of Lisieux. Inspired by Pope Francis’ Apostolic Exhortation “C’est La Confiance”, this conversation explores the ways in which the spirituality of St Thérèse of Lisieux can...
Silent Prayer, Centering Prayer Meditation July 2024
Our theme for July – Silent Prayer, comes from Jan Harris’ book, Quiet in His Presence. We’re encouraged not to pay attention to any words or thoughts...coming to Him for himself, as a gift…empty-handed, humble and speechless…encouraged in our meditation to use a...
Tuesday Prayer Meditation – a safe, nourishing and peaceful place
I first connected with this online gathering during one of the Covid lock-downs in 2020. I instantly found it to be a safe, nourishing and peaceful space to spend 30 to 40 minutes in once a week. I was delighted in 2023 to be offered an opportunity to facilitate...
Creating a Synodal Parish, Carmelite Conversation with Paul Cahill OCarm, June 2024
At June's Carmelite Conversation, Paul Cahil OCarm, explored the concept of Synodality - walking together. Vatican II emphasised the image of the Church as ‘The People of God’ who walk together, laity and hierarchy, in fulfilling their common Baptismal right and...
Courage, Centering Prayer Mediation, June 2024
We continue our reflections from Gerald May’s book, the Wisdom of the Wilderness, for this month – on the theme of courage. Gerald May says: Sometimes you just take your chances. There’s a sort of freedom when you’ve done what you can do and you just have to give up...
Contemplative Autumn Walk – mini pilgrimage – Saturday 11 May 2024
On a lovely mild Autumnal day a group of thirteen set out from Lilydale rail station on a sort of mini Pilgrimage to walk the 7km track to Mt Evelyn. We began with a short reflection from the booklet The Carmelite Way Pilgrimage, choosing for ourselves a memorable...
The Power of Slowing, Centering Prayer Meditation, May 2024
The theme for this month of May is a reflection on the Power of Slowing, using themes from Gerald May’s book, The Wisdom of the Wilderness, with epigraphs from Saint John of the Cross, a sixteenth-century Spanish Carmelite friar. Gerald May says: The call of...
The perennial human questions: a reflection on suffering and death, Carmelite Conversation, May 2024
At May's Carmelite Conversation, Bernadette Micallef led a reflection on our own response to the perennial human questions about suffering and death. The group of 18 engaged thoughtfully and prayerfully in the discussion sharing personal experiences in particular...
Provincial Assembly April 2024 ‘cast your net to the right side’
A group of thirty six, including Friars, Lay Carmelites and representatives of ministries in Australia and Timor-Leste gathered in Melbourne April 22-26. Along with friars from all Carmelite communities, delegates from Lay Carmelite communities, Damien and Irene...
Divine Beauty, Centering Prayer Meditation, April 2024
Over the last few months we have reflected on themes of Peace and Gratitude, Choosing Life, and this month Divine Beauty, using John O’Donohue’s book of that title. John O'Donohue tells us: ~ At birth we were awakened and emerged to become visible to the world. At...
First Tuesday – a day for me
On the first Tuesday of each month the Carmelite Centre offers opportunities for stillness and silence and also community. This begins at 9.30 with a Contemplative Walk around the streets of Middle Park. We begin with a reflection in front of the church and then a 30...
Easter Triduum – Good Friday
The Lord is here, present among us. We are gathered with the whole Church in this moment of prayer. What is the meaning of ‘good’ in Good Friday? Perhaps the title takes up a now lost sense of ‘holy’ found within the range of ancient usage of the word ‘good’. Indeed,...
Carmelite Spirituality in a secular world and insights from Ruth Burrows with Denis Andrew OCarm
In this "Carmelite Conversation" with Denis Andrew we considered modern Western society which has been described as being increasingly secular and looked at how we live our Carmelite life in this milieu. We take the opportunity to delve into the writings of...
Kissed by God into Life, Centering Prayer Meditation, March 2024
This month our meditation reflection is on being kissed by God into Life using words from Margaret Silf’s The Way of Wisdom and Landscapes of Prayer. Margaret quotes Ronald Rohlheiser: Ancient philosophers and mystics used to say that before being born,...
Eco-Spirituality Reading Circle: Ten Love Letters to the Earth
On Tuesday 20 February, our first meeting for the year, we had eleven participants. I think this is the largest group at a zoom meeting. We shared our thoughts about the "Ten Love Letters to the Earth" which are a series of meditations on Mother Earth written by the...
Living the Carmelite Charism: the personal journey of Matthew McPhee OCarm
In this "Carmelite Conversation" Fr Matthew shares his experience of living the Carmelite charism. He recently celebrated his Golden Jubilation of Ordination and 70 years of religious life with the Carmelite community. Fr Matthew has ministered in a variety of...
Carmelite Conversations: Saint John the poet and lover of nature with Patricia Greene
This session will look at the journey of John of the Cross that led him to the Carmelites where he would be an inspiring light in the darkness for all who journeyed in the spiritual pursuit of the Beloved. The main focus will on his love for the beauty of nature from...
Eco Spirituality Reading Circle – Inspiring and Challenging
For the small group of people who have gathered six times this year, the text we have been reading has been quite inspiring and challenging. It is Rooted and Rising: Voices of Courage in a Time of Climate Crisis by Leah D Schade and Margaret Bullitt-Jonas, editors,...
Carmelite Conversations: Sharing the experience of the International Congress for Carmelite Laity in Rome
In September 2024 almost 200 Carmelites gathered for a week in Sassone, Rome. The theme of the International Congress for Carmelite Laity was: "Lay Carmelites: Called to Set the World on Fire." In this month's Carmelite Conversation some of the Australians who...
Carmelite Conversations: Saint Titus Brandsma – Mystery of God’s Nearness with Daryl Moresco OCarm
Saint Titus Brandsma has a profound message for us today on encountering the “mystery of God’s nearness”. From his life as a young Carmelite friar to his martyrdom in Dachau, we can learn how living fully in the present moment, mindful that we are always in God’s holy...
Carmelite Conversations: Melanesian Indigenous Spirituality with Paul Sireh OCarm
Paul writes: “In this conversation I will share with you and introduce who we are as Melanesians and our spirituality, distinct from Polynesians and Micronesians. I will look mainly at the Melanesian spiritual experience in Papua New Guinea where I come from. The core...
Practicing Presence, Centering Prayer Meditation, September 2024
Our theme for this month comes from Henri Nouwen’s book, Following Jesus, in particular - Practicing Presence. Henri tells us: * Prayer is entering into the presence of God here and now. Prayer is the way in which we become present to the moment and listen to God who...