Welcome to the Season of Creation 2022: Week 3 – Justice, Peace, Integrity of Creation Commission newsletter. Click here.
Greetings to our family and friends in Carmel,
During the Season of Creation, Christians worldwide are listening to the voice of creation.
We invite you to tune in to your senses and really listen; these voices have been muted for far too long:
- The voice of the ocean and waves either lapping or thundering on the shores, their volume and strength dependent on the wind;
- The voices of all God’s creation; the birds that awaken us in the morning and quieten us in the evening;
- The voice of the Earth; thundering storms that fill our skies in summer heat. Turn to the heavens where these sounds come from and marvel at the atmosphere surrounding our planet;
- The voice of the rustling trees, as they bend and sway, adapting their limbs to the direction of the mighty wind; or
- The gentle whisper of the breeze to hear that still small voice of God, just as Elijah did thousands of years ago.
Your Carmelite JPIC Team
“Contemplation of creation allows us to discover in each thing, a teaching which God wishes to hand on to us, since ‘for the believer, to contemplate creation, is to hear a message, to listen to a paradoxical and silent voice’” (LS 85).