"The only possible happiness lies in letting God love us, and everything that has happened and will happen is only for that purpose."

Ruth Burrows


The Carmelite Centre Melbourne seeks to provide a contemplative space to facilitate spiritual journeys, growth and community by encouraging contemplation, independent and free thinking, and an attitude of simplicity, humility and grace.  It offers support on the journey through Spiritual Direction and Pastoral Supervision. The resources of the Carmelite Library are also available for personal study, learning and development. Spiritual Direction and Pastoral Supervision are offered within the Carmelite tradition of contemplation, service and hospitality. The Carmelite tradition honours the individual, embraces community and welcomes people who seek spirituality and personal enrichment.


The Carmelite Centre Melbourne seeks to provide a contemplative space to facilitate spiritual journeys and personal growth. Spiritual Direction is one of the supports offered by the Centre to those interested in developing and deepening their spiritual life.

Spiritual Direction is a series of conversations about your life and prayer in the light of your faith or values. The focus is on your spiritual journey through the day to day experiences of your life. These conversations assist discernment of what is life-giving for you, and what is binding you or holding you back from becoming all you have the potential to be – all that God created you to be. With greater clarity and self-knowledge you can then choose the way forward on the spiritual journey with greater freedom.

There’s more information on the flyer below which we hope answers some of the question you may have. Please contact one of our spiritual directors if you have further question and/or to arrange an appointment time.

We currently have four spiritual directors available –  Pia Pagotto, Bernadette Micallef, Brother Daryl Moresco OCarm and Brother Geoff Whitefield CFC. All are members of the Conference of Spiritual Directors Australia.  The Australia Ecumenical Council for Spiritual Direction provides the Code of Ethics for Spiritual Directors. The fees are based on the recommendations of Catholic Religious Australia who recommend a fee range from $86-$172 per hour for the financial year July 2024 to June 2025.  This can be discussed with your spiritual director if it will cause financial hardship.



Pia Pagotto

Pia is available for zoom or phone sessions or in person for the Lysterfield area.  She can be contacted by email.

Pia Pagotto has a long association with the Carmelite Centre after completing the Siloam program at Heart of Life Spirituality Centre in 2011, an experience which Pia says continues to reverberate for her a sense of privilege and deepening of faith. Pia, an experienced spiritual director, knows how valued Spiritual Direction has been in her own life and desires to “hold well” and companion others in the same way. Family life is important to Pia in all the ups and downs and shapes and forms it takes. With a background in teaching, Pia still works in schools with sacramental preparation with the Presentation Family Project.

Pia’s favourite scripture is John10:10 I have come that they may have life, and have it to the full.


Bernadette Micallef

Bernadette is available via zoom and in person in her home office in Mount Waverley and at The Carmelite Centre in Middle Park. She can be contacted by email.

Bernadette Micallef completed the Siloam Formation program at Heart of Life Spirituality Centre in 2011 and has been working as a Spiritual Director at The Carmelite Centre since 2012.  She is married with three sons (two daughters-in-law and two grandchildren) and has been a member of the Carmelite Order since 1991. She completed a Masters in Spirituality in 2024 through the University of Divinity.

Bernadette’s favourite scripture in relation to Spiritual Direction is Acts 7:33. Take off the sandals from your feet for the place where you are standing is holy ground. She believes that the here and now of our day-to-day lives is where we encounter God and finds it awesome to witness God’s work in another.



Daryl Moresco

Br Daryl Moresco OCarm is available for Spiritual Direction in-person at the Carmelite Centre in Middle Park and via zoom. He can be contacted by email.

Daryl trained as a spiritual director at the Heart of Life Spirituality Centre in Melbourne in 1994. He offers spiritual direction in the Carmelite Tradition. In 2003 he graduated from the Washington Theological Union with a Certificate in Carmelite Studies and a Masters in Pastoral Studies. For the past twenty-four years he had offered spiritual direction in the United States where he worked primarily in education and formation. Prior to returning to Australia in July 2024, Daryl served as the Director of the Center for Carmelite Studies at The Catholic University of America.

Br Daryl writes icons and hopes to teach icon writing in 2025.

Geoff Whitefield

Geoff is available in his office at Parkville, St Kilda East and the Carmelite Centre Middle Park. He also sees people via zoom. He can be contacted by email.

Br Geoff Whitefield is a Christian Brother who has ministered in Victoria, Tasmania, New South Wales, as well as in Papua New Guinea. He has been a Spiritual Director since 2009 and was trained through the Siloam Formation Program, Heart of Life, Box Hill, followed by further studies in Formation at Loreto House, Dublin, Ireland. He has been spiritual director to people from all walks of life, of various faith traditions and of a range of ages.


Listen to Bernadette’s podcast on Spiritual Direction at the Carmelite Centre.  (Podcast Music Bed – Music@Kevin MacLeod)

Spiritual Direction can be particularly helpful if you feel a need for change in your life in response to a calling to a deeper spiritual life; or feel stuck and dissatisfied in your spiritual journey; or when you are dealing with difficult circumstances; or when you feel a desire to talk at a deeper level than day-to-day conversations allow; or have a persistent yearning for a more intimate relationship with God. Speaking about what’s happening, receiving the undivided attention of another, focused on what matters to you, can in itself be most helpful, supportive and encouraging on your spiritual journey.

The main focus in Spiritual Direction is your spiritual journey. The main focus of counselling is problem solving. Both deal with the concrete reality of your experience of life and both encourage deepening self-knowledge. In counselling such self-knowledge serves the purpose of dealing with the problem or on-going difficult life situation. In Spiritual Direction such self-knowledge enables greater freedom to respond to the fullness of life to which God is calling you, that is, to more fully become the unique person you are created to be. With an appropriate counsellor, counselling can certainly facilitate this journey too without being the primary focus.

The qualification of ‘Spiritual Director’ is through a Graduate Diploma which involves both theory and practice. Spiritual Directors themselves receive regular Spiritual Direction and also Professional Supervision.


Getting to Middle Park by PUBLIC TRANSPORT
No. 12 Tram from Collins St to stop 135 (on Mills Street) then 220m walk down Richardson Street.
No. 96 Tram from Bourke St to stop 129 (on Canterbury Rd) then 450m walk down Wright Street.


Supervision with Damien Peile

Supervision provides professional and personal support to people working in Church ministry. Offered in a trusting and confidential setting, the benefits can include improved workplace relationships, renewed sense of vocation, clarity of roles, support and managing stress.

For many years I have worked as a spiritual mentor, counsellor and social worker. During this time, I have met with many people working in Church communities including ministers, pastoral workers, students of theology and volunteers.

In a culture of ‘quick fixes’ with pressure to succeed in the work place, little time is left to step back, and reflect and ponder on what is being done or why it is being done. My approach to supervision includes contemplative practices such as stillness and silence, prayer and meditation.  I have found that these practices add a rich source of inquiry to the thinking mind in dealing with problems in ministry, by creating a space to take time out to reflect and ponder on what needs attention.
Contact Damien for further information by phone 0419503421 or email.  Damien is available for face-to-face or on-line meetings.

Damien is a member of the
Australasian Association of Pastoral Supervision.


Wayne Stanhope OCarm is also available for pastoral supervision. Wayne can be contacted via email



Listen to Damien’s podcast on Supervision. (Podcast Music Bed – Music@Kevin MacLeod)


The Carmelite Library is a special theological library dedicated to study and research in the areas of Spirituality and Mysticism. The collection is unique within Australia.

The Library is an affiliated member of the University of Divinity (UD) and a library of Yarra Theological Union. It is the Province Library of the Carmelite Friars in Australia-Timor Leste.

The Library is housed in a spacious and handsome setting for study and reading purposes.

Carmelite Library newsletter January 2025

214 Richardson Street,
Middle Park Victoria 3204

Opening Times 2025
Tuesday 10am - 3pm
Re-opens on 28 January

Library contacts
Phone: (03) 9682 8553



To help you navigate the Carmelite Library’s information and resources, the University of Divinity has created an online LibGuide. Here, you will be able to see browse the collection, read about the library and keep up to date with the latest news and titles, and find links to resources and other Carmelite related websites, all in one spot.


The history of the Carmelite Library at Middle Park available in this digital brochure was put together by Director of the Carmelite Library, Rev Dr Paul Chandler, O.Carm., FRHistS.