Welcome to the May 2022 edition of Justice, Peace, Integrity of Creation Commission newsletter. Click JPIC MAY 2022
Dear Friends and Carmelite Family
The month of May has many notable events to draw our attention to social justice issues; our focus is on just a few of these issues.
In last month’s JPIC we foreshadowed the forthcoming WORLD PRESS DAY, next Tuesday, 3rd MAY with an article disclosing the courage and bravery of SAINT TITUS BRANDSMA as a journalist and Catholic newspaper editor. We will continue to keep in our prayers the many journalists and media commentators who are risking their lives in countries suffering oppression and chaos due to war, especially Ukraine and Myanmer.
This month, we focus on the country of Timor Leste; our neighbour’s struggle to overcome oppression and now celebrating Independence on 20th May, 20 years later. We also remember the latest presidential election for Timor Leste just a few weeks ago; Jose Ramos-Horta will be sworn in as the new President on 20th May. We pray that he will find the wisdom to lead the country wisely, towards peace and prosperity, over this next term of office.
Carmelite Justice, Peace & Integrity of Creation Team