Welcome to the J 2022 edition of Justice, Peace, Integrity of Creation Commission newsletter. Click JPIC JUNE 2022

Warm Greetings to all our friends and family in Carmel as we move into our Winter season,

There is a movement of people all over the world, including here in Australia and New Zealand, seeking ways to address the issue of climate change and caring for our planet.

Our church led by the encouragement of Pope Francis has helped spread Pope Francis’ hopeful and urgent message in Laudato Si’. Salesian Fr. Joshtrom Kureethadam, head of the Vatican dicastery’s ecology sector, has said: This cannot be something abstract, like a mere global event in Rome at the centre of the Church, but rather something Catholics are taking urgent action to combat, the dual crises of climate change and biodiversity collapse.

Your Carmelite Justice, Peace and Integrity of Creation Team