Welcome to the October 2021 edition of Justice, Peace, Integrity of Creation Commission newsletter. Click JPIC October 2021.
Dear Friends, Brothers and Sisters in Carmel,
This Sunday, 3rd October the convergence of two major events in the Church calendar draws us to reflect on the continuing work of the Holy Spirit in our personal life as well as the life of our church.
THE SEASON OF CREATION BEGAN ON 1st SEPTEMBER, on the designated World Day of Prayer for the Care of Creation. It concludes this Sunday on 3rd October, the Feast of Saint Francis. St Francis’ love of God in Creation has been a prime motivation and determination for us all to care for and protect our natural world from the path of destruction we are now on.
Sunday 3rd is also the commencement of the historic gathering of The Australian church PLENARY COUNCIL. Saint Francis was asked to ‘rebuild my Church’ more than 800 years ago and this legacy reflects the path many Australians will walk, in person or in prayer listening to the voice of the Holy Spirit as we begin to rebuild our church.
Habbakuk 2:2 was instructed by God: ‘Write the vision, and make it plain on tablets, that he may run who reads it’. Australian Carmelite Friar, Anthony Scerri O.Carm, has written down his vision of ‘TheThird Apostolic Church’ and has offered it to our readers for their reflection. The introduction and conclusion of the essay is here on this attachment and the full version can be accessed on the Carmelite website through the link shown at the end of the article.
Your Carmelite Justice, Peace and Integrity of Creation Team