ALL WELCOME to Join Kathryn Pile Tuesdays 5pm
Dear Meditators 10/05/22
This week we will conclude our series of meditations from Song of Songs, The Passion Translation.
The aim:
- To join with God’s Presence through silent meditation
- To deepen that intention through breath, image, word and to practice ways to allow yourselves to become one with God.
- To experience through spiritual growth, a response from God’s Presence at an individual heart-felt level.
The verses that will form our meditation words today, SS 8: 5, 10-14b were written by King Solomon, king of Israel, who reigned between 970 – 931 BC. The Passion translation aim is to translate meaning, not merely words, from the original text to express the life-changing message of God’s Word; God’s passion for people and his world.
First in the series, we saw the Shulamite or bride’s journey (our journey) begin in this amazing allegory, with Jesus, the Shepherd-King, as the groom. Last week, the development in the bride, and this week we conclude with the maturity of the bride now called The Shulamite Bride in unison with the groom…now called the Bridegroom King. What to listen for in the chosen meditation words today? The King’s vineyard is a picture of the church, the called out multitude…
Let’s begin… reflections on Song of Songs…
- The Bridegroom-King: Who is this one? Look at her now! / She arises out of her desert, clinging to her beloved. / When I awakened you under the apple tree, / as you were feasting upon me, / I awakened your innermost being with the travail of birth / as you longed for more of me.
- 10-13 The Shulamite Bride: But now I have grown and become a bride, / and my love for him has made me / a tower of passion and contentment for my beloved. / I am now a firm wall of protection for others, / guarding them from harm. / This is how he sees me – I am the one who brings him bliss, / finding favour in his eyes. / My bridegroom-king has a vineyard of love / made from a multitude of followers. / His caretakers of this vineyard / have given my beloved their best. / But as for my own vineyard of love, / I give it all to you forever. / And I will give double honour / to those who serve my beloved / and have watched over my soul. / My beloved, one with me in my garden, / how marvellous that my friends, the brides-to-be, / now hear your voice and song. / Let me now hear it again.
- V 14b. The Bridegroom and the Bride in Divine Duet: We will dance in the high place of the sky, / yes, on the mountains of fragrant spice. / Forever we shall be united as one!
Relax now in body and mind, slow your breathing, and enter your meditation, centering your prayer, your will and intention on feasting on Jesus…allowing yourself to hear God’s voice and song… Forever united as one!
Love and every blessing, Kathryn
Song of Songs – Passion Translation: Passion and Fire Ministries, USA, 2017.
Remember to watch an introduction to Centering Prayer Meditation. You can see it here
Let me know how you are finding this time – If you have any suggestions or requests. I always like to hear from you. Kathryn