Reading Luke’s Gospel: A study group in 2024 to read and discuss Luke’s gospel, via zoom. The group meets monthly until 15 October. Being part of the group will require a level of commitment to read the relevant parts of Luke before each monthly meeting.
Reading Luke’s Gospel scheduled Zoom meetings 2024
Meeting ID: 966 114 8511
Passcode: 5zJ3YM
When: Monthly – third Tuesday 1.30 – 3.00 pm. A detailed timetable will be forwarded to those who show interest in joining us.
Purpose: To further our own spiritual growth by improving our understanding of Luke’s gospel.
Our approach : This is a study group of equals in that it is not led by an “expert”. All participants will be expected to read the relevant section before each meeting and may undertake their own research and be prepared to share that research with others. The Carmelite Library in Middle Park has a number of resources and commentaries to help.
As the intention is to further individual’s spiritual development, the text will not be critiqued as in an academic exercise. However, reading commentaries from learned scholars such as Brendan Byrne, would be helpful.
Brendan Byrne’s commentary on Luke – The hospitality of God: a reading of Luke’s gospel. rev edition, St Pauls, 2015, is the basis of our discussion and the timetable has been adapted from Byrne’s structure of the gospel. It is recommended that people obtain a copy of this commentary, if possible. It is still in print. Notes based on Byrne’s commentary will be forwarded to all participants via email prior to each meeting, as an aid, but not in place of our own reading and reflection.
Jan Carter and Clare McArdle moderate the sessions (but others are encouraged to take turns if they wish). The role of the moderator is to keep us to the time limits and to keep the discussion moving along, but not as ‘experts’ with all the answers. However, Fr David Hofman OCarm will attend as, and when, he can. There will be others in the group who may have an understanding of Luke which they can share.
To join this group please contact Clare McArdle claremca@bigpond.com