Those who participate in our program regularly tell us they are grateful for the Carmelite Centre as it provides an oasis of spiritual nourishment, creating a calmer and hope-filled life.
We offer opportunities on a daily, weekly and monthly basis enabling individuals to develop a rhythm for a more meaningful and purposeful life.
“I am very happy to support the Carmelite Centre – a blessing for me first of all to find you all. And then to have a never ending stream of opportunities to feed my life with God & opportunities to sit in the journey with others. You welcome all with open hearts every day. Thank you for welcoming me.” MH
We currently are financial supported the the Carmelite Fathers Australia & Timor Leste to cover a small part of our program but need to raise further funds. The website and marketing has become a major part of our work and needs to be funded independently from our current funding. The amount per year to cover these costs is around $15,000.
All support to help keep the program going is much appreciated. Thank you so much. You can donate in two ways:
1. Through TRYBOOKING here or
Catholic Development Fund (National Australia Bank)
BSB No: 083 347
Account No: 542352991
Account Name: The Carmelite Centre
Please make sure your name is the reference so we can easily identify on statement
Irene & Damien
On behalf of the team, volunteers and community who help us do what we do.
ABN: 68098608698