Meditation for Thursday 7th November 2024

Mahatma Gandhi the father of modern India spoke and wrote about the benefits of meditation and was a living example of how meditation can support us at the most challenging of times.

Gandhi said meditation helps us to change.

“You must be the change you want to see in the world.”

If we change we will change the world. If we change how we think then we will change how we feel and what action we take.

Gandhi said meditation puts us in control.

“Nobody can hurt me without my permission.”

What I feel and how I react to something is always up to myself. I can choose my own thoughts, reactions and emotions to pretty much everything. I don’t have to freak out, overreact or even react in a negative way. I begin to realize that no-one outside of myself can actually control how I feel. With this realisation I can start to incorporate this thinking into my daily life and develop it as a thought habit. Doing this makes life a lot easier and much more enjoyable.

Gandhi said meditation makes us more forgiving….

“The weak find forgiveness difficult. Forgiveness requires strength.”

“An eye for an eye only ends up making the whole world blind.”

Forgiving and letting go of grievances does me and the world a great service. When I fail to forgive then I let the past and another person or persons control how I feel. By forgiving I release myself from these bonds.

Gandhi’s teachings in regard to the effect of meditation are synonymous with other great spiritual teachers. They highlight for us the momentous gifts that meditation creates.



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