via zoom: Tuesday Prayer Meditation at 5.00pm


5:00 PM - 5:45 PM


via zoom
the zoom link is included in the event information on the website,

Event Type

ALL WELCOME to join us via zoom for Tuesday Prayer Meditation at 5.00pm

These meditation sessions go for 30-40 minutes. They begin with a short reflection to lead us into a silent meditation for around 20 minutes. There is opportunity at the end to ‘gather’ and share any thoughts or reflections. The process is a simple one and is an invitation to a silent and still place towards the end of the day.

We hope the sessions will be a community experience with different people leading the meditations. Please let us know if you are available to lead some meditations for us this year. Contact us if you are interested or have any questions.

Please join us.

Join Zoom Meeting

Meeting ID: 839 1192 3939
Passcode: 129738


If you benefit from attending these sessions please express your gratitude by making a donation to The Carmelite Centre to help us continue providing these opportunities.  Donations are essential for us to continue our work. With much appreciation for your support.