
10:30 AM - 12:00 PM


Bookings closed

Event Type

This session will explore the few details we have of the early life of Pierre Teilhard de Chardin (1881 – 1995) and how those experiences influenced his religious and scientific career.

Pierre Teilhard de Chardin (referred to as Teilhard) was one of the most influential religious and scientific thinkers of his generation. Born in Central France, he experienced upheaval in his country, then the horrors of World War I and World War II. He was a devoted Jesuit Priest, an eminent scientist, sinilogist, writer, mystic and theologian.

There is a huge amount of written material about his adult life, some from himself and much from others who worked with him or became his friend. However, there is very little information available about his childhood and early religious and scientific formation.

Knowledge of his early life may prompt a discussion about this topic in the lives of the hosts of brilliant religious thinkers over the centuries in our Spiritual Reading Group.



Please book for April 2022 via the form below and pay $10 or your donation through a bank transfer or the donation page. Thank you. You can also make a donation here.

Jenny Raper: “For more than 12 years I have ‘tutored’ a U3A class called Our Search for Meaning spending a year on each of the various world religions. My research has led me down some steep precipices and up some amazingly high mountains of realisations about our human condition. My spiritual understandings have been profoundly affected by the experience and I am humbled by the lives and teachings of those great exemplars who left us with windows and gateways into our own spiritual life.”


The 2022 program for Spiritual Reading Group will continue via zoom on the third Wednesday of each month as follows:

18 May Philippa Wetherell on St Francis de Sales

15 June Carol O’Connor on Evelyn Underhill

20 July to be confirmed

17 August Wendy Crouch on St Catherine of Siena

21 September Janette Elliott on Dame Julian of Norwich

19 October Susan Frykberg on Jeremy Begbie

16 November Susan Southall on Constantine Cavafy


Join Zoom Meeting


Meeting ID: 830 9457 7458 Passcode: 182608

One tap mobile Find your local number: https://us06web.zoom.us/u/k5cRjPn5A

Please book for April 2022 via the form below and pay $10 or your donation through a bank transfer or the donation page. Thank you. You can also make a donation here.

The suggested donation for each Spiritual Reading Group is $5 which helps offset costs involved in providing the sessions.

We invite you to support the Carmelite Centre to help us continue our work in 2022 by donating for any session you attend. Bank account details are included below.

We have limited financial support from the Carmelite Fathers Australia & Timor Leste. Donations are essential for us to continue our work. You can donate here.








Bookings are closed for this event.