We offering weekly Lectio Divina reflection time on zoom. You are most welcome to join our virtual community on Friday mornings at 10.00am for Lectio Divina. Please note the sessions are hosted from Melbourne, Australia at 10.00 am Daylight Saving time. (AEDT)
Last session for 2023 Friday 22nd December. Lectio Divina will resume on Friday 2nd February 2024.
 Email us to be added to those who receive the readings and notes each week by email.
To read more about Lectio click this link Lectio Divina
The recurring zoom link is https://us02web.zoom.us/j/89792352290?pwd=Wi9JUmtJQUJrQVJ3SVB6UXp3bFRlQT09
Meeting ID: 897 9235 2290
Passcode: 811610
The plan is to read privately and reflect 9.30am – 10am and then at 10am join the zoom gathering. After an opening prayer, reading the Scripture for the week, and listening to Fr David’s insights into the text, it is a time of sharing reflections. We then move into sharing personal prayers and finish with a closing prayer. Always finishes by 11;00am but you can leave at any time as needed.