A COUNCIL OF ALL BEINGS – 13 July 5pm – 5.30pm
A Council of All Beings is a meditation for healing the separation between the human and other-than-human world. It is an invitation to listen deeply to some specific being in our surroundings. Then coming together in council, each of us as the being we he/she has spent time with.
The idea of it comes from the book, Thinking Like a Mountain: Towards a Council of All Beings, a collection of writings, meditations and guided reflections by Joanna Macey, John Seed, Pat Fleming and Arne Ness.  I have adapted their suggestions in the hope that we can experience its power in a zoom gathering.
Eco Spirituality Reading Circle 13 July 5.00pm A Council of All Beings
Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 896 5777 7267
Passcode: 644230
Preparation for our gathering: Â
- Listening to a Being: It could be a tree, a flower or a blade of grass.  It could be a bird or moth or insect.  It could be the starry sky or the breaking dawn or a cloud.  It might be a mountain or a stream or a beach…..  Try not to think about what you might choose.  Tune into your heart and see what creature draws you to meet it.  Sit quietly with it, listening to what it wants to say about itself and how it sees the world.  When it has said all it needs to say for now, thank the being with reverence and ask its permission to speak on its behalf.  Leave it with a blessing.
- Find a way of expressing what you heard and felt from the Being that spoke to you.  As we gather in Council, you will speak as this creature, so, whatever way of expression you choose, let it be from the perspective of this creature.  In a workshop setting, we might make a mask of this Being and wear it when we come to speak on its behalf.  You might write it as a message or a poem, draw or paint it as an image, or you might know of a poem or prayer or image that captures what you heard and sensed in your deep listening.
Our Zoom Meeting:
As we gather, be aware that you are coming into a Council of Beings.  You come as the Being you met in your preparation for this Council, so bring however you expressed what this Being communicated to you.
We will begin with each Councillor introducing itself.  After a few minutes of silence in each other’s presence, you will be invited to share your message with the other Councillors, and the humans who form a listening circle around the Council.
After each Councillor has spoken, we will again take a few minutes of silence to ponder what we heard, followed by a brief sharing on the experience.
To inquire about the activities of the group please contact the Eco-Spirituality Reading Circle directly – email Barbara or Michael.
Planned meeting dates on Tuesdays in 2021:
10 August
28 September
9 November
Bookings are closed for this event.