Carmelite Conversation with Denis Andrew OCarm on The interface between faith, science, religion and spirituality.
Science and religion. Sometimes they seem to be at loggerheads, in conflict. Sometimes they are presented as two opposing world views. But science and religion complement each other. They each engage our world from different perspectives. We will look at how aspects of scientific knowledge might enrich our spirituality and the wonders of our God. We will look at where our Carmelite life and spirituality might fit into all this.
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Meeting ID: 843 9359 0639
Passcode: 038757

COST OF SESSIONS: Would you shout us a coffee and cake?
The suggested donation to say ‘thank you’ for this session is $10 per person per session. That’s less than the cost of a coffee and cake. Kindly make your contribution to the cost of providing these events here. Thank you for helping us continue our work.
The Carmelite Conversations are on the first Wednesday of the month from 10.30 am to 12.00pm via zoom. All are welcome to join for a particular session or regularly. More details will be given about each of these session closer to the event.
The 2023 program for the remainder of the year
Bookings are closed for this event.