via zoom: The Poetry of John of the Cross with Philip Harvey, Wednesday 1 December, 10.30am - 12 midday


10:30 AM - 12:00 PM


Bookings closed

Event Type

A tradition with Carmelite Conversations is to read something of St John of the Cross in December, the month of his feast day on the 14th. This year the Carmelite librarian, Philip Harvey, reads three of John’s best known poems, offers some responses, and invites responses on zoom. All responses are valid, as the words lend themselves to multiple interpretation, based in personal experience. It will be a convivial conclusion to the year. You may like to read these poems prior to the session.
CC Four Poems by St John of the Cross

All are welcome to join. Join Zoom Meeting

Meeting ID: 875 6082 3450
Passcode: 276691

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Carmelite Conversations: On the first Wednesday morning of each month we explore a topic related to the rich tradition of Carmelite Spirituality. Each month the session will be led by a person inspired by Carmelite Spirituality and so part of the broad community of the Carmelite Family. The 2022 program will continue on zoom and details of events will be progressively added to the website.


The suggested donation for each Carmelite Conversation is $10 which helps offset costs involved in providing the sessions.

If you have participated in Carmelite Conversations throughout the year without donating we invite you to support the Carmelite Centre to help us continue our work in 2022.

We have limited financial support from the Carmelite Fathers Australia & Timor Leste. However donations are essential for us to continue our work. You can donate here.





Bookings are closed for this event.