
10:30 AM - 12:00 PM


Bookings closed

Event Type

Susan Frykberg will present the thinking outlined in Jeremy Begbie’s book Resounding Truth – Christian Wisdom in the World of Music. After presenting an overview of the contents of the book, three ideas from it will be offered for discussion: a) what Begbie calls The Great Tradition, a philosophy of music and sound that has its origins in the work of Pythagoras (C6th  BCE) but continues through to the present day; b) the harmonic series – a ‘feels like magic but is actually science’ description of some aspects of the nature of sound and listening; c) Christian Ecology and Music – a framework for thinking about music based on a gospel ecology.
Jeremy Begbie https://www.jeremybegbie.com/ is Thomas A. Langford Distinguished Research Professor of Theology at Duke Divinity School, and the McDonald Agape Director and founder of Duke Initiatives in Theology and the Arts.
About the presenter: Susan Frykberg is a composer, sound artist, and theologian who is currently completing her Ph.D. at Monash University on Spirituality and Electronic Music. 
The last session for 2022 program for Spiritual Reading Group is on Wednesday 16 November with Susan Southall on Constantine Cavafy.

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Meeting ID: 830 9457 7458 Passcode: 182608

One tap mobile Find your local number: https://us06web.zoom.us/u/k5cRjPn5A

Please book for October 2022 via the form below and pay $10 or your donation through a bank transfer or the donation page. Thank you. You can also make a donation here.

The suggested donation for each Spiritual Reading Group is $10 which helps offset costs involved in providing the sessions.

We invite you to support the Carmelite Centre to help us continue our work in 2022 by donating for any session you attend. Bank account details are included below.

We have limited financial support from the Carmelite Fathers Australia & Timor Leste. Donations are essential for us to continue our work. You can donate here.








Bookings are closed for this event.