This session will focus on Catherine of Siena’s Theology of Incarnation and the everyday imagery she draws upon to present this theology. Her “grounded living theology is one that involves real people, suffering, joy, failure” as Dreyer says. We will also explore its connection with her mystical consciousness in which she describes being drawn to Christ as tender lover and spouse, in an almost unimaginable intimacy. We will have a look at some of the beautiful language she uses to describe her relationship with Christ.
The world of 14th century Italy in which Catherine lived (1347 – 1380) was one of decline, suffering, and a mysticism of passionate intensity (eg., Cloud of Unknowing; Julian of Norwich). As with Hildegard of Bingen, Catherine was officially blessed by Rome as a public author, teacher, and preacher. She was a Papal counsellor and mediator of conflicts in the church and wider society. At the same time as this public activity she also engaged in a serious and intense prayer life. Her body of written work includes over 400 letters and prayers composed when in ecstasy. Her major theological work is The Dialogue.
Along with Teresa of Avila, Catherine of Siena was proclaimed Doctor of the Church in 1970 by Pope Paul VI.
About the presenter:
The Reverend Dr Wendy Crouch is a priest in the Melbourne Anglican Diocese, and currently Assistant Priest at St John’s Church Toorak with specific responsibilities for the development of spiritual growth and pastoral care programs. With a background as a clinical psychologist, she uses an integrative approach in applying insights from both psychology and spirituality to promote emotional and faith development. She is also a retreat director.
The 2022 program for Spiritual Reading Group will continue via zoom on the third Wednesday of each month as follows:
19 October Susan Frykberg on Jeremy Begbie
16 November Susan Southall on Constantine Cavafy
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The suggested donation for each Spiritual Reading Group is $10 which helps offset costs involved in providing the sessions.
We invite you to support the Carmelite Centre to help us continue our work in 2022 by donating for any session you attend. Bank account details are included below.
We have limited financial support from the Carmelite Fathers Australia & Timor Leste. Donations are essential for us to continue our work. You can donate here.
Bookings are closed for this event.