Reading St John’s Gospel
A small group is interested in initiating a monthly session in the Carmelite Library when we can meet face to face and read together and discuss John’s gospel. This is a call for any others who may be interested in exploring St John’s Christ Mystery as a way of helping them in their own spiritual journey.
Why John? We are interested in reading John’s gospel because it differs from the others in that it has a Prologue that proclaims the great mystery of creation. John’s gospel according to Brendan Byrne wants to move people from “mere existence to a conscious sense of sharing the divine eternal life – and the joy that goes with it.” (p 2 Life Abounding) Richard Rohr says that John is “concerned with the reader making a personal act of faith in Jesus and, through that, entering into divine life as sons and daughters of the Father.” (p 50 The great themes of scripture)
How will we approach it? We will approach this as a reading group of some 8-10 people who are prepared to undertake the necessary reading before each session. We will not be led by an ‘expert’ and like all reading groups will have a ‘light touch’ chair which could change from meeting to meeting.
Individuals may wish to undertake their own research to share with the group. The library has a series of commentaries and other books on John’s gospel.
Because the aim is to further our own spiritual journey we will not read the gospel as a document to be critiqued or as an academic exercise. Rather the focus will be on what it means to us in our own lives today. Commentaries will be helpful to get beneath the symbolic language and the images that were important at the time.
When? We plan to meet monthly for one hour, Tuesdays sometime between 12 noon – 4 pm in the Carmelite Library on Richardson Street, Middle Park. We will start when we are permitted to meet again and will be prepared to stop if COVID rules dictate that. These arrangements will be confirmed via e-mail with the registrants.
How many months will depend on how we break it up. It could take up to 12 sessions. This also could be confirmed at the first meeting.
If you are interested, would you please send in your name, phone number and e-mail with a preference for a time by Friday 22 October 2021. Email Clare McArdle claremca@bigpond.com