Meditation for Thursday 14th November 2024 This week we continue to look at how Mahatma Gandhi, the father modern India encouraged the practice of meditation in his own...
In September 2024 almost 200 Carmelites gathered for a week in Sassone, Rome. The theme of the International Congress for Carmelite Laity was: “Lay Carmelites: Called to Set the World on Fire.” In this month’s Carmelite Conversation some of the... Meditation for Thursday 7th November 2024 Mahatma Gandhi the father of modern India spoke and wrote about the benefits of meditation and was a living example of how...
A reading from the holy Gospel according to Mark 13:24-32 Jesus said to his disciples : ‘In those days, after the time of distress, the sun will be darkened, the moon will lose its brightness, the stars will come falling from heaven and the powers in the heaves...